Live those crave with one of the best fertility centers in Hyderabad

Having a baby is going to change the complete structure of your life and there is no doubt that your home will be filled with their giggles and wiggles. Their smile is going to throw out all your tensions and makes your life lively and lovely. What more you need? SWCIC understands your crave to have babies and being one among the best fertility centers in Hyderabad, we promise that we’ll support you to the core with all the possible treatment facilities we have, to see the smile of bliss in you with your baby.The history and future of infertility treatmentAs a result of 51 years of explorations that started from 1827, finally in 1978, the world's first test tube baby was born to a British woman- Lesley Brown. It took years to discover that the conception occurs when a sperm from men enters to an ovum in women. When Dr. J. M. Sims started a woman's hospital at New York in 1855, he could find that many of the infertility can be cured through a surgery.

The next option that he could think of was the artificial insemination. But unfortunately, all his experiments on artificial insemination ended up in miscarriages. In 1884, Dr. W. Pancoast could create history in artificial insemination by injecting sperm to the woman. Years later, a scientist from Harvard- Mr. G. Pincus came up with a claim that IVF is successful in rabbits and the same can be applied in human as well. But it was denounced and later by 1972, the American Fertility Society took initiative for the further development in IVF research. Three years later, the IVF pregnancy could see success, but ended up in an ectopic pregnancy. The researches went on and in 1977, Dr. Steptoe met a couple who wanted to have a baby.

The doctor took it as a challenge and he could carefully remove egg from the woman and the egg has successfully developed into an 8- cell embryo. The embryo was then implanted to the lady's uterus. After a month, the good news came out that Lesley- the mother of the world's first test tube baby is pregnant. As per the statistics, till 2004, there are half a million of test tube babies in the world. The hectic working atmosphere, food habits and life style are creating many fertility issues in many of the couples now. So the scope of infertility treatment is also increasing with that. The technological advancement and innovations could bring IVF from 1978 to a more welcoming stage.

The history of success rates through IVF reassures the trust and chances of success in this treatment and it is expected that in future almost 30 percent babies may born through IVF. The advanced IVF technologies helps in avoiding the complications with multiple pregnancy and the development moves on with approaches like single embryo transfer, and blastocyst culture etc. If you can find the right fertility clinic at the apt time, then forget all those worries and prepare to be a father and mother through IVF. Your probability with IVF It is worth to have a check on the probability of success with IVF before you decide on. And yes, it is a good sign we are getting, that IVF is successful in many cases. Fewer chances are only with younger women and with the people who use donor eggs. Age is an important deciding factor in IVF success rate.

In the women, who are of age less than 35, IVF comes with more than 40 percent of chances and around 11- 12 percent of chance in women who are of age 44 and above.Live those crave with one of the best fertility centers in Hyderabad In majority of the women, the best eggs are released during their 20s and by their age 35 and above there are less chances of finding good number of normal embryos for a healthy implantation. With the support of the best fertility doctors in Hyderabad, and the advanced medical technologies, SWCIC hopes to give you the best result with all our sincere efforts.

Choose the right place at the right time It is always suggested to consult with a good gynecologist if you feel trouble in getting conceived after regular try for a year. And if the signs are pointing to infertility in you or in your spouse, that is not an end to your dream as long as we- one of the best IVF centers in Hyderabad is here to give you hands. We discern the hundreds of questions that revolves around your head now like which doctor should I see now? How would I start the treatment now? Will I be having a baby? And the list goes on, right? You can reach the most opposite fertility doctors in Hyderabad with the guidelines below.Easy to locate: This is the foremost thing that you should consider when thinking of fertility centers. As you may need to visit the clinic for many times, choose the one which is easy to locate.

SWCIC is one of the best IVF clinics in Hyderabad that is built in the prime location of Hyderabad/ Secunderabad. Comfy Stay: Your state of mind has a significant role in conception. The happy you are, the higher the chances are. So for that, you must look for a place where you can find a comfy atmosphere while selecting fertility clinics. With the 50 bedded super specialty hospital, SWCIC is already ensured its position in the list of the best fertility clinics in Hyderabad. Range of Services: Infertility treatment is not just limited to IVF or ICSI treatment, rather it is expanded to number of treatment styles depends on the exact problem in you to conceive. And choose the clinic that provides a personalized treatment plan. With the top infertility specialists in Hyderabad, SWCIC initiates the treatment with individualized treatment plan based upon the general investigation from our lead consultant. The lead consultant will suggest you the opposite treatment style for you and our team will assist you in further proceedings. Know what you are going to: When you are going for an infertility treatment, you must know what the procedure is and what the doctors are going to do. Prior to treatment, our counseling experts elucidate you and your partner the complete procedure and we hope that can give you more confidence and strength. Infrastructure and facilities: An independent institute equipped with all the laboratory facilities, pharmacies and operation theaters is the best option that you must think of when considering the fertility clinics in Hyderabad.

SWCIC is equipped with three operation theaters with all the advanced settings, 50 comfortable rooms, IVF lab, advanced laboratories and hormone/ pathological labs etc. Teamwork: The entire team in the fertility clinic has a role in bringing success. The transparency in the clinic can support you with a calm environment. Our trained staffs at SWCIC ensure you the best comfort in all your needs.Experience: Experience of a doctor can cue you many positive signs and it is must in infertility treatment. Our doctors have experience of more than 16 years and it is reflected in the results as well. Emergency Unit: Emergency cannot be predicted and for the same, the unit must be equipped all the time. Other than the two operation theatres, a fully equipped theatre is there in SWCIC if in case of emergency.

Success Rate: The success rate is another or the good metric to analyze before making a decision on your treatment center. The treatment history of SWCIC is highly satisfactory and there are evidences for that many happy mothers and fathers with us. We could prove our ability in pelvic tuberculosis, primary infertility, endometriosis, tubal blocks, fibroids and the lists go on.


  1. Well information shared about Surrogacy types. Sofat in India known as best specialist of Infertility problem who providing IVF, IUI ICSI and Surrogacy services in India at affordable cost.


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